Transcode a Video File

Transcode a Video File

Convert a video (with or without Audio) to a different codec

The video codecs officially supported by Smode are Hap and MOV. So, if you have a video in a different codec in your Media Directories, you may see this warning next to the file.
You can transcode your video into a codec supported by Smode directly internally by right-clicking on the video file and selecting 'Transcode' .
A pop-up window will open, allowing you to choose the codec in which you want to encode your video.
You can also decide to keep the default frame rate or reinterpret the frame rate by checking this option and choosing a new value.
By default, 'Audio' is disabled. If you want to encode your video's audio as well, check the option and select the codec.
When you click OK, Smode will start encoding the video. You can track the progress in the Tasks Panel Shows the rendering and transcoding tasks currently running in Smode Read More .
Once transcoding is complete, a new folder is created with the transcoded video inside.

See Also:

Last topic update:19/03/2024