Separate Unreal instances for Front and Back

Separate Unreal instances for Front and Back

Here is the change that need to be made for separating the rendering of the front and back onto 2 server when using Unreal

Before you do this how-to you must have done How-To In Unreal Multi Server How to configure Unreal with a Multi Server setup Read More


1) the back need to be on the same level as the front in composure
2) the back output need to be set to "player Viewport"
3 ) add a transform pass in the back composure to "Smode compositing watermark Pass" like this:


4 ) in the front composure change the output layout to Fill and Key

Smode rig

5 ) in the Smode rig transfer the back composure into the Back Capture array

nDisplay config

6) in the front reduce the size of the windows and Viewport
7) add a new node with the name back with a window and viewport:

Now you can check How-To Unreal In Smode How to integrate your Unreal content inside Smode Read More for the next step

See Also: