Disable hiberfil.sys

Disable hiberfil.sys

Since your Smode station may not be on a laptop, you can view the usage of the large hiberfil.sys file by entering a specific command in the command prompt.
To do this, click on the Windows menu and type 'cmd' in the search bar. Then, right-click on the Command Prompt and select 'Run as Administrator'.
Accept the User Account Control prompt to make changes.
Then type "powercfg -h off"; this command will delete the hiberfil.sys file.
To prevent the operating system from prompting for system restoration at boot in the event of an unexpected reboot crash (useful when computers are only remotely accessible without a physical keyboard), type the following command: "bcdedit /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures".
You can now close the console.

See Also: