Http Server

Http Server

Enable communication with Smode through HTTP API

Need to be activated if you wan't to work with Companion/Streamdeck The complete guide to control SMODE through a Streamdeck using Companion Read More or any other plugin builded on API.
On Smode COMPOSE, the http server is disabled if ON AIR.


  • Run Server (On/off option) : Enable/disable communication. Automatically disabled on Smode COMPOSE if ON AIR
  • Listening Address (Local Network Address) : Ip and port of communication
  • Timeout (Seconds) : Time out if no communication
  • Http Mode (Http Mode) : Http, Https or Http with certificate for securisation
  • Certificate File (Native File) : file for authorisation if certificate needed
  • Private Key File (Native File) :
  • Private Key Password (Text) :
  • Certificate Authority File (Native File) : file for authorisation if certificate needed
  • Ip Filters Mode (Ip Filters Mode) : Blacklist or white list some ip adress
  • Ip Filters (List of Host Identifier Ranges) : ip adress to black listing or white listing

See Also: